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Reiki Levels: I vs II (Differences Explained)

Discover the surprising differences between Reiki Level I and II and take your healing practice to the next level.

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Basic Techniques Reiki Level I focuses on the basic techniques of energy healing, including hand positions and self-healing practices. There are no significant risk factors associated with Level I.
2 Symbols Introduction Reiki Level II introduces symbols that can be used to enhance mental and emotional healing, as well as distance healing. Incorrect use of symbols can lead to ineffective or even harmful healing practices.
3 Level II Attunement Level II also includes an attunement process that strengthens the practitioner‘s connection to Reiki energy. Some individuals may experience physical or emotional discomfort during the attunement process.
4 Advanced Techniques Level II teaches advanced techniques such as beaming and scanning, which allow practitioners to target specific areas of the body or energy field. Improper use of advanced techniques can lead to ineffective or harmful healing practices.
5 Practitioner Certification Level II also allows practitioners to become certified and begin offering Reiki sessions to others. Practitioners must ensure they are properly trained and qualified before offering Reiki services to others.

Overall, Reiki Level II builds upon the basic techniques learned in Level I and introduces new tools and techniques for practitioners to use. However, it is important for practitioners to receive proper training and guidance to ensure they are using these techniques safely and effectively.


  1. What are the Basic Techniques of Reiki Level I?
  2. What is a Self-Healing Practice in Reiki Level II?
  3. What Symbols are introduced in Reiki Level II?
  4. What happens during a Level II Attunement in Reiki training?
  5. How do you obtain Practitioner Certification for each level of Reiki training?
  6. Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

What are the Basic Techniques of Reiki Level I?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Learn about chakras Chakras are energy centers in the body that can affect physical and emotional health None
2 Understand hand positions Hand positions are used to channel energy to specific areas of the body None
3 Practice self-treatment Self-treatment is important for maintaining personal balance and well-being None
4 Learn meditation techniques Meditation can help calm the mind and enhance the flow of energy None
5 Receive attunement Attunement is a process that connects the practitioner to the Reiki energy None
6 Practice aura cleansing Aura cleansing removes negative energy from the energy field surrounding the body None
7 Learn grounding techniques Grounding techniques help to connect the body to the earth and promote stability None
8 Set intentions Intention setting helps to focus the mind and direct energy towards specific goals None
9 Practice breathwork Breathwork can help to regulate the flow of energy and promote relaxation None
10 Use visualization exercises Visualization exercises can help to enhance the power of intention and promote healing None
11 Incorporate mindfulness practices Mindfulness practices can help to increase awareness and promote a sense of calm None
12 Learn symbols and mantras Symbols and mantras are used to enhance the flow of energy and promote healing None
13 Use energetic protection methods Energetic protection methods help to shield the practitioner from negative energy None
14 Understand healing crisis Healing crisis is a temporary reaction to energy work that can cause physical or emotional discomfort None

What is a Self-Healing Practice in Reiki Level II?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Begin by grounding and centering yourself using breathing techniques and mindfulness practices. Grounding and centering methods are essential to ensure that you are in a calm and focused state before beginning any self-healing practice. Skipping this step may result in a lack of focus and effectiveness in the self-healing practice.
2 Use visualization exercises to connect with your chakras and aura. Visualization exercises help you to connect with your energy centers and understand any imbalances that may be present. If you have difficulty visualizing, this step may be challenging.
3 Perform an aura cleansing using your intuition and emotional release techniques. Aura cleansing helps to remove any negative energy that may be present in your energy field. Using intuition and emotional release techniques can help to identify and release any emotional blockages. If you are not familiar with emotional release techniques, this step may be challenging.
4 Draw the Reiki symbols and perform distance healing on yourself. Drawing the symbols helps to activate their energy and perform distance healing on yourself can help to heal any physical or emotional issues. If you are not familiar with the Reiki symbols or distance healing, this step may be challenging.
5 Repeat affirmations to reinforce positive energy and intentions. Affirmations help to shift negative thought patterns and reinforce positive energy and intentions. If you have difficulty believing in affirmations, this step may be challenging.
6 End the practice with a meditation to integrate the healing energy. Meditation helps to integrate the healing energy and bring you back to a calm and centered state. If you have difficulty meditating, this step may be challenging.
7 Incorporate self-care routines into your daily life to maintain balance and harmony. Self-care routines help to maintain balance and harmony in your energy field and prevent future imbalances. If you do not prioritize self-care, this step may be challenging.

What Symbols are introduced in Reiki Level II?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Attend Reiki Level II class None
2 Receive empowerment to use Reiki symbols None
3 Learn Mental/Emotional Healing Symbol This symbol helps to heal mental and emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress. None
4 Learn Distance Healing Symbol This symbol allows Reiki practitioners to send healing energy to people who are not physically present. None
5 Learn Power Symbol This symbol enhances the power of Reiki energy and can be used to clear negative energy from a space. None
6 Learn Chakra Balancing Symbol This symbol helps to balance the chakras, which are energy centers in the body. None
7 Learn Energy Flow Enhancement Symbol This symbol helps to increase the flow of Reiki energy through the body. None
8 Learn Intuition Development Symbol This symbol helps to develop intuition and psychic abilities. None
9 Learn Sacred Geometry Symbols These symbols are used to enhance the power of Reiki energy and can be used for manifestation and goal achievement. None
10 Receive activation of Kundalini Energy Kundalini energy is a powerful spiritual energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. Activation of this energy can lead to spiritual awakening and increased psychic abilities. Some people may experience discomfort or emotional upheaval during the activation process.
11 Receive Third Eye Activation The third eye is a chakra located in the forehead that is associated with intuition and psychic abilities. Activation of the third eye can enhance these abilities. None
12 Learn Aura Cleansing and Protection This technique is used to cleanse and protect the aura, which is the energy field that surrounds the body. None
13 Learn Spiritual Connection Enhancement This technique is used to enhance spiritual connection and communication with higher beings such as angels and spirit guides. None
14 Learn Manifestation and Goal Achievement This technique is used to manifest goals and desires using Reiki energy. None

What happens during a Level II Attunement in Reiki training?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 The student receives the Level II Attunement from the Reiki Master. The Attunement opens up the student’s energy channels and increases their ability to channel Reiki energy. There may be some discomfort or emotional release during the Attunement process.
2 The student learns and practices the three Reiki symbols: the Power symbol, the Mental/Emotional symbol, and the Distance symbol. The symbols allow the student to focus their intention and increase the potency of their Reiki energy. Incorrect use of the symbols can lead to ineffective or even harmful results.
3 The student learns how to perform Distance Healing, which allows them to send Reiki energy to someone who is not physically present. Distance Healing can be just as effective as in-person healing and is useful for clients who are unable to come to the practitioner‘s location. The student must be careful to obtain the client‘s permission and follow ethical guidelines when performing Distance Healing.
4 The student learns how to perform Aura Cleansing, which involves using the Mental/Emotional symbol to clear negative energy from a client’s aura. Aura Cleansing can help to release emotional blockages and promote overall well-being. The student must be careful not to invade the client’s privacy or cause harm by removing necessary energy.
5 The student learns how to develop their intuition and use it to guide their Reiki practice. Intuition can help the student to identify areas of the client’s body that need extra attention and to tailor their treatment to the client’s specific needs. The student must be careful not to rely too heavily on intuition and to always communicate with the client about their experience.
6 The student learns how to use Reiki for emotional healing and mental clarity. Reiki can help to release negative emotions and promote a sense of calm and clarity. The student must be careful not to diagnose or treat mental health conditions beyond their scope of practice.
7 The student learns the Reiki Principles and how to incorporate them into their daily life. The Reiki Principles promote spiritual growth and personal development. The student must be careful not to impose their beliefs on clients or use Reiki as a substitute for professional therapy.
8 The student practices hands-on Reiki techniques with other students or clients. Hands-on practice allows the student to refine their skills and gain confidence in their abilities. The student must be careful to obtain informed consent and follow ethical guidelines when working with clients.
9 The student learns how to communicate effectively with clients, including how to obtain informed consent, set boundaries, and provide aftercare instructions. Effective communication is essential for building trust and ensuring a positive client experience. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, discomfort, or even harm to the client.

How do you obtain Practitioner Certification for each level of Reiki training?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Complete Level I Training Level I Training covers the basics of Reiki, including hand positions, energy centers, and self-healing techniques. None
2 Receive Attunement for Level I Attunement is a process that connects the practitioner to the Reiki energy and enables them to channel it. None
3 Practice Self-Healing Techniques Practicing self-healing techniques is an essential part of Level I training and helps the practitioner develop their skills. None
4 Complete Level II Training Level II Training builds on the basics of Level I and covers distance healing methods, meditation practices, and ethics and professionalism in Reiki practice. None
5 Receive Attunement for Level II Attunement for Level II is more powerful than Level I and enables the practitioner to use symbols and perform distance healing. None
6 Practice Distance Healing Methods Distance healing methods allow the practitioner to send Reiki energy to someone who is not physically present. None
7 Follow Code of Conduct for Reiki Practitioners The Code of Conduct outlines ethical and professional standards for Reiki practitioners, including confidentiality and respect for clients. Violating the Code of Conduct can result in loss of certification and legal consequences.
8 Complete Continuing Education Requirements Continuing education is required to maintain certification and keep up-to-date with new developments in Reiki practice. Failure to complete continuing education requirements can result in loss of certification.
9 Renew Certification Certification must be renewed periodically to ensure that practitioners are still actively practicing and maintaining their skills. Failure to renew certification can result in loss of certification.
10 Obtain Reiki Master Teacher Qualifications Reiki Master Teacher qualifications require additional training and experience beyond Level II. None
11 Follow Training Curriculum and Course Materials Reiki Master Teacher training requires following a specific curriculum and using approved course materials. Deviating from the curriculum or using unapproved materials can result in loss of certification.

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

Mistake/Misconception Correct Viewpoint
Reiki Level II is more powerful than Level I. Both levels are equally powerful, but they focus on different aspects of healing. Level I focuses on physical healing, while Level II focuses on emotional and mental healing.
Reiki Level II requires a longer training period than Level I. The length of the training for both levels varies depending on the teacher or organization offering it. However, in general, both levels require similar amounts of time to complete the training process.
You need to be a master at Reiki before you can move from level I to level II. There is no requirement for becoming a master before moving from one level to another in Reiki practice. Anyone who has completed the required training can move up to the next level if they wish to do so.
Reiki practitioners must follow strict rules and regulations when practicing at each level. While there are some guidelines that practitioners should follow when practicing Reiki, there are no strict rules or regulations that must be followed at each level of practice.
Level II allows you to heal others remotely without their presence. While distance healing is possible with Reiki practice, it does not depend solely on being attuned to Level II; rather, it depends more upon your experience as a practitioner and your ability to connect with energy beyond physical boundaries.