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Reiki: Psychic Surgery vs Cord Cutting (Advanced Techniques)

Discover the surprising difference between Reiki psychic surgery and cord cutting in advanced techniques for energy healing.

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Begin by explaining the difference between psychic surgery and cord cutting. Psychic surgery is a technique that involves removing negative energy from the body, while cord cutting is a method of severing energetic attachments to people, places, or things. None
2 Introduce the concept of advanced Reiki skills. Advanced Reiki skills refer to techniques that go beyond the basic principles of Reiki, such as psychic surgery and cord cutting. None
3 Explain the process of energetic attachments removal. Energetic attachments are cords of energy that connect us to people, places, or things. To remove them, visualize a pair of scissors cutting the cord and then use Reiki to heal the area where the cord was attached. None
4 Describe the spiritual cleansing process. Spiritual cleansing involves using Reiki to clear negative energy from the body and aura. This can be done by visualizing a white light surrounding the body and using Reiki to infuse the light with healing energy. None
5 Discuss the energy blockages release. Energy blockages are areas of the body where energy is stuck or stagnant. To release them, use Reiki to focus on the area and visualize the energy flowing freely. None
6 Explain the chakra balancing practice. Chakras are energy centers in the body that can become imbalanced. To balance them, use Reiki to focus on each chakra and visualize it spinning in a clockwise direction. None
7 Describe the aura clearing exercise. The aura is the energy field that surrounds the body. To clear it, use Reiki to visualize a white light surrounding the body and then use Reiki to infuse the light with healing energy. None
8 Introduce the intuitive healing approach. Intuitive healing involves using your intuition to guide the healing process. This can involve using Reiki to focus on areas of the body that feel blocked or imbalanced. None
9 Emphasize the importance of the mind-body-spirit connection. The mind, body, and spirit are interconnected, and healing one can lead to healing in the others. Reiki can be used to address all three aspects of the self. None


  1. What is the Cord Cutting Method in Reiki and How Does it Work?
  2. The Importance of Spiritual Cleansing Process in Reiki Healing
  3. Chakra Balancing Practice: A Key Element of Effective Reiki Healing
  4. Intuitive Healing Approach in Reiki: Enhancing Your Natural Abilities
  5. Common Mistakes And Misconceptions
  6. Related Resources

What is the Cord Cutting Method in Reiki and How Does it Work?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Begin by preparing yourself and your space for the cord cutting process. This includes setting your intention, practicing mindfulness, and performing chakra balancing and aura cleansing. Intention setting is a crucial step in the cord cutting process as it helps to focus your energy and attention on the task at hand. Mindfulness practices can also help to calm your mind and prepare you for the process. None
2 Visualize the energetic cords that connect you to the person or situation you wish to release. Use your intuition to identify any negative attachments or emotional baggage that may be present. Visualization techniques can help to make the cord cutting process more effective by allowing you to see and feel the energetic cords that need to be released. None
3 Use the cord cutting technique to sever the energetic cords. This can be done through visualization, intention setting, or physical movements such as cutting the air with your hand. The cord cutting technique is a powerful tool for releasing negative energies and attachments, but it should be used with caution. It is important to approach the process with a clear and focused mind to avoid any unintended consequences.
4 Once the cords have been cut, take time to reflect on the experience and perform any additional self-healing or self-care practices that may be necessary. The cord cutting process can be emotionally and energetically intense, so it is important to take time to process and integrate the experience. None
5 Repeat the process as necessary to continue releasing negative energies and attachments and promoting spiritual growth and development. The cord cutting process is an ongoing practice that can be used to support ongoing healing and growth. None

The Importance of Spiritual Cleansing Process in Reiki Healing

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Begin by setting an intention for the spiritual cleansing process. This can be done through meditation or visualization techniques. Setting an intention helps to focus the energy and create a clear goal for the cleansing process. None
2 Use smudging to clear negative energy from the space. This can be done with sage, palo santo, or other herbs. Smudging helps to purify the energy in the space and create a clean slate for the healing process. Be cautious when using fire and smoke. Make sure to have proper ventilation.
3 Use crystal healing to balance the chakras and remove energy blockages. Choose crystals that correspond to the specific chakras that need healing. Crystal healing can help to amplify the healing energy and provide a deeper level of cleansing. Be aware of any contraindications for certain crystals, such as those that may be harmful to pregnant women or those with certain medical conditions.
4 Use sound therapy to further balance the energy in the space. This can be done with singing bowls, tuning forks, or other instruments. Sound therapy can help to release stagnant energy and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Be mindful of the volume and frequency of the sound, as it can be overwhelming for some individuals.
5 Use affirmations to reinforce positive energy and intentions. This can be done through spoken or written affirmations. Affirmations can help to shift negative thought patterns and promote a sense of empowerment and positivity. Be aware of any triggering language or affirmations that may not resonate with the individual.
6 Use grounding techniques, such as pranayama or acupressure points, to help the individual feel more connected to their body and the present moment. Grounding techniques can help to promote a sense of stability and calmness, and can also help to release any excess energy. Be aware of any physical limitations or contraindications for certain techniques.
7 Practice mindfulness throughout the cleansing process. This can be done through breath awareness or body scanning. Mindfulness can help to promote a sense of presence and awareness, and can also help to release any mental or emotional blockages. Be aware of any triggers or emotional responses that may arise during the process.

Overall, the spiritual cleansing process is an important aspect of Reiki healing as it helps to clear negative energy, balance the chakras, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. By incorporating various techniques such as smudging, crystal healing, sound therapy, affirmations, grounding techniques, and mindfulness practices, the individual can experience a deeper level of cleansing and healing. It is important to be aware of any potential risks or contraindications for certain techniques, and to always prioritize the individual’s safety and well-being.

Chakra Balancing Practice: A Key Element of Effective Reiki Healing

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Begin by assessing the client‘s chakras using a pendulum or your hands. It is important to assess the client‘s chakras before beginning the balancing practice to identify any blockages or imbalances. None.
2 Start with the root chakra and work your way up to the crown chakra. Balancing the chakras in a specific order can help to ensure that the energy flow is balanced throughout the body. None.
3 Use a combination of techniques such as meditation, visualization, intention setting, breathwork techniques, aromatherapy, sound therapy, crystal healing, and mindfulness techniques to balance each chakra. Using a variety of techniques can help to address different aspects of the chakras and promote overall balance. It is important to ensure that the client is not allergic to any of the aromatherapy oils used.
4 Focus on the specific qualities associated with each chakra. For example, the root chakra is associated with grounding and stability, while the heart chakra is associated with love and compassion. Focusing on the specific qualities associated with each chakra can help to promote a deeper understanding of the chakras and their role in overall health and well-being. None.
5 Encourage the client to visualize the chakras as spinning wheels of energy, with each chakra spinning at the appropriate speed and direction. Visualization can help to promote a deeper connection with the chakras and enhance the effectiveness of the balancing practice. None.
6 End the practice by assessing the client’s chakras again to ensure that they are balanced. It is important to assess the chakras again to ensure that the balancing practice was effective and to identify any areas that may need further attention. None.

Overall, chakra balancing is a key element of effective Reiki healing. By using a combination of techniques and focusing on the specific qualities associated with each chakra, practitioners can promote overall balance and enhance the energy flow throughout the body. It is important to assess the client’s chakras before and after the practice to ensure that the balancing was effective and to identify any areas that may need further attention.

Intuitive Healing Approach in Reiki: Enhancing Your Natural Abilities

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Begin by grounding yourself through meditation and mindfulness practices. Grounding yourself before a healing session can help you connect with your inner guidance and enhance your sensitivity to energy fields. Skipping this step can lead to feeling disconnected and ineffective during the healing session.
2 Use aura reading techniques to assess the client‘s energy field and identify any blockages or imbalances. Aura reading can provide valuable information about the client‘s physical, emotional, and spiritual state, allowing you to tailor your healing approach accordingly. Misinterpreting the aura can lead to incorrect diagnoses and ineffective healing.
3 Set clear intentions for the healing session, focusing on the client’s highest good. Intention setting can help you channel your energy and enhance the effectiveness of the healing session. Failing to set clear intentions can lead to scattered energy and a lack of focus during the session.
4 Use visualization techniques to channel healing energy to the client’s chakras, focusing on any areas of imbalance. Visualization can help you direct your energy and enhance the healing process. Failing to visualize can lead to a lack of focus and scattered energy during the session.
5 Use empathy and sensitivity to energy fields to identify any emotional or spiritual blockages that may be contributing to the client’s physical symptoms. Addressing emotional and spiritual blockages can help promote holistic healing and prevent future physical symptoms. Failing to address emotional and spiritual blockages can lead to incomplete healing and recurring physical symptoms.
6 Set energetic boundaries to protect yourself from absorbing the client’s energy or taking on their emotional baggage. Setting energetic boundaries can help you maintain your own energy and prevent burnout. Failing to set energetic boundaries can lead to feeling drained and overwhelmed after the healing session.
7 Practice self-care techniques after the healing session, such as taking a salt bath or spending time in nature. Self-care practices can help you recharge and maintain your own energy after a healing session. Failing to practice self-care can lead to burnout and a decrease in the effectiveness of your healing abilities.
8 Trust in the universe and the power of Reiki to guide you in your healing practice. Trusting in the universe can help you let go of control and allow the healing energy to flow through you. Failing to trust in the universe can lead to a lack of faith in your own abilities and a decrease in the effectiveness of your healing practice.

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

Mistake/Misconception Correct Viewpoint
Reiki is a form of psychic surgery. While both techniques involve energy work, they are not the same thing. Psychic surgery involves physically removing negative energies or entities from the body, while Reiki focuses on channeling healing energy to promote balance and well-being.
Cord cutting is only necessary for people with toxic relationships. Cord cutting can be beneficial for anyone who wants to release negative attachments or patterns in their life, regardless of whether it’s related to a specific person or situation. It can also help with letting go of past traumas and emotional baggage that may be holding you back.
These advanced techniques should only be performed by experienced practitioners. While it’s true that these techniques require a certain level of skill and knowledge, anyone can learn them with proper training and practice. However, it’s important to approach them with respect and caution, as they can have powerful effects on your energy field and overall well-being if not done correctly.
These techniques are a substitute for medical treatment or therapy. While Reiki and cord cutting can complement traditional medicine or therapy, they should never be used as a replacement for professional medical advice or treatment when needed.

Related Resources

  • One-time umbilical cord milking after cord cutting has same effectiveness as multiple-time umbilical cord milking in infants born at <29 weeks of gestation: a retrospective study.
  • Umbilical cord cutting triggers hypertriiodothyroninemia and nonshivering thermogenesis in the newborn lamb.